Let your mind go wild, with
When I was a kid, the word 'recycle' was unheard of, and if you were
'green' you were sick. However the idea of crafts made from household
items was very common.
Buying craft kits can be handy,
if you are trying some
thing new. However, it many times restricts your imagination, not to
people all over the country are making the exact thing. Here are some
ideas you can play with, the combinations are endless. A simple pattern
and common items found in the home can make great decorations.
>So if you are wanting to save some money, just have
fun or both... kick back and start scrolling.
<> >
Salt clay is still a favorite, cut
around pattern,
paint and seal.
Construction paper an old
time favorite, decorate
with scrap paper, buttons, beads, ribbon, crayons, or paint. The
patterns will help you get started. You may use only construction
or a mixture of paper and other items (cloth scraps, different types of
Large Angel (because of it's
size it
will require that
you print all three files) Part 1 Part
2 Part 3
Angel -- Angel -- Stocking
Tissue Paper makes great
light weight ornaments.
The following patterns can be used with either tissue or construction
Place straight edge on the fold of the paper and cut. If using tissue
make about a dozen,, construction about 6. Open and stack, staple along
crease. Fan open. Remember to let you imagination go to work, don't
with the few samples I offered! Bell
-- Tree & Star -- Ornaments
Felt - Either done flat or two
piece sewn together
and stuffed. Decorate with scrap fabric, beads, lace, ribbon, or buttons
Fake stain glass - make
frame from construction
paper cut white tissue paper to fit frame lay on plastic wrap or waxed
paper cut designs from colored tissue paper glue colored tissue paper
white (white glue cut in half with water) let dry glue picture to frame
Poster Board - another
classic craft item
Standing Christmas Tree - Draw
two identical trees. Draw
a line up the middle of the first tree. Cut a slit, approximately half
way up the first tree. staring from the bottom Draw a line down the
of the second treed but cut slit from the top, glue and decorate.
Foot & hand Angel -
Trace child's food on white poster
board, both hands on yellow for wings. Use heal for head, glue wings on
back, let child draw hair and face.
Santa hand- Trace around
hand (fingers closed, thumb out)
turn upside down. Use the fingers for beard, thumb end of hat.
Hand & Feet Reindeer -
Trace child's foot on dark
brown construction paper. trace both hands on light brown paper. Use
for reindeer's face and hands for antlers. Color on facial features.
Scrap wood - If you are handy in
the wood working
area, or know someone that is. Simply cut, paint and seal
Old cans, jars, & boxes - make
great and containers
for baked gifts and odd shaped items. Also add a little
Coffee cans are great for
cookies, potpourri, odd shaped
gifts, a small plant, or any thing that must be mailed it can offer a
extra protection.
Tuna cans make great candle
holders. They can be covered
with Christmas fabric and trimmed with ribbon, or painted. If you would
like to do one from the old days, glue macaroni on the outside, let dry
and spray paint either gold or silver.
Glass Jars like large peanut
butter and pickle jars work
great for cookies, medium sized for candies or bath salts, smaller for
little candies, like chocolate covered coffee beans, or Jellybeans. You
can decorate it in several different ways. Use with stain glass
or T-shirt paint using the fake stain glass method, using tissue paper
etch it - etching cream can be bought at hobby shop for less than
Paint lid (out-side only) to match jar.
Plastic Jars can and decorated and
used much like the
glass ones. Warning they can not be etched and check the label of the
glass paint.
*TIP: If you have problems removing
the gummy old glue
from old labels on jars, rub peanut butter over it, let it sit for a
and wash off.
Candy Garland & Wreaths - I
did this last
year and was a BIG hit!
For the garland you can use
most any type of package
ribbon, I used those longer scraps that you always end up with. I
suggest using pieces that are 4 to 6 foot long. Any type of wrapped
holiday candy will do. Now for the hard part...... hot glue the end of
the candy wrapper to the ribbon. Let cool and hang.
The wreath will cost a
little more. I bought one of those
cheap fake green wreaths ($2.00 at Wal-mart). Again just hot glue your
choice of individual candies (by the end). Tie a simple bow on it and
By the way red candies give it a nice natural look of berries, while
colored ones give it a festive look.
Visitors will pluck their
treats as the walk by. If you
luck is like mine, you may have to refill the wreath several times.
- Melt wax as making a candle
pour into candy mold (spray mold
with pam)
- Let harden
- Trim edges with kitchen
- Place in colored plastic
wrap, tie with ribbon.
Check with local florist about
getting old flowers that
can't be sold.
- To dry: place on paper
towel, in microwave cook at high for
10 seconds at a time, until dry
- Let cool
- Place in bowl or other
container, add scented oil
Nicer flowers may be placed in
a nice jar or small basket
broken flowers in a little fabric bag to be simmered, or in a sachet.
Fruit Skins
- Use any of the following:
lemon, lime, or orange
- Using a vegetable peeler,
feel fruit, removing only the peel
- Place on cookie sheet,
lined with paper towels
- Place oven at lowest
setting (150 F to 175 F)
- Let bake until dry (about
an hour to a hour and half)
Fruit Slices
- Oranges, lemons, limes,
grapefruit, and apples, can be sliced
(1/4 inch thick)
- Dip in "Fruit Fresh"
- Lay flat on a rack, and
place in a dark warm place, like
a closet.
- Should be dried, in about
a week or so and ready to add to
a flower or wood potpourri
Whole Fruit
Grab any of the following: lemon,
lime, or orange. Press
whole cloves into fruit. Hang with a ribbon.
Holiday Spice (to be mixed
with either fruit skins or
fruit slices)
1/2 cup whole cloves
1/2 cup allspice
10 cinnamon sticks, broken
10 bay leaves, crumbled
Store mixture in air tight
containers, open container
to use.
Use by sprinkling a little in boiling
water, for a quick
release of fragrance
Make a
candle holder
- Peel label, remove any glue
with nail polish remover
- Wash & dry fill with
water, freeze
- Use nail and hammer to
punch holes to make design
- Let ice melt
- Dry, paint outside
- Place candle inside
Brandy glass (or any glass or
- Stain with stain glass
paint (crystal pattern) can be bought
a many hobby stores
- Let dry
- Trim with glitter on edge,
and ribbon around stem
- Either pour your own
candle, or place a ready made candle
Fake stain glass (any
plain smooth
glass or jar)
- Cut tissue paper into
- Glue with half white glue,
half water
- Let dry
- Cover one coat of glue to
- Edge design with a metallic
T-shirt paint
- Let dry for a day or two
- Place or pour candle inside
Make a
- Basic rules of candle making.
- Always under adult
- Use a double boiler, to melt.
- After wax is melted color and
scent may be added.
- Crayons may be used but
will not give the same quality as
candle dye.
- Scents should be commercial
made, perfume and cooking flavoring
does not mix well.
- Wicking can be done two ways:
- anchor wicking at bottom
and suspend across top with pencil
- pour candle over wick Bore
hole with hot wire, (coat hangers
do well) thread wicking through hole
- Plastic decorations and
ribbons should be removed before
burning candle
- NEVER burn a candle
unsupervised, I've worked too
many fires where people lost their entire home from just one candle.
Ice candle
- Fill milk carton with small
ice cubes
- Pour wax
- Let ice melt
- Trim with ribbon or glitter
Winter snow candle
- Use heavy duty foil, spray
with pam
- Gently roll into ball, than
open foil flat leaving wrinkles
- Use bowl to support foil
and shape foil as wished
- Pour either uncolored or
white wax let cool
- Remove foil
- Decorate with sparkle
glitter, and small plastic decorations
(Santa, polar bear, etc.)
Bee Wax sheets
- work with wax in warm room,
if too cool use hair dryer at
low setting gently warm
- roll gently, but tightly
- press edge with fingernail
to keep from unrolling
Taper Spiral
- cut large sheet diagonally
- lay wicking on long edge
- roll
Plain Taper
- use large sheet lay
wicking on longer edge and roll
Cylinders may be left
plain for their simple beauty
or decorated many ways
- trim with glitter on edges
- spray glitter for a light
- tie a pretty ribbon
around middle
- cut patterns from a
contrasting color of wax and glue on
Large Cylinder - 3 large
- lay first sheet down
- place wicking length wise
- roll
- press edge with fingernail
- place edge of second
sheet next to edge of first sheet
- press with fingernail
continue to roll candle do same with
third sheet
Medium Cylinder - 2
large sheets
- lay first sheet on work
- place wicking on shorter
- roll as you would for
larger cylinder candle
Small Cylinder - 1 large
- cut in half length wise
- follow directions for
medium cylinder
Tip: Herbs should be removed
after the first two weeks
unless stated other wise.
Olive Oil Based
Hot Pepper Oil - Cilantro,
jalapeno peppers, cut length-wise,
peppercorns, dried tomatoes, zest of 2 limes
Provence Medley - Rosemary,
basil, thyme, dried tomatoes,
oregano, dill, peppercorns, garlic, clove
- Place herbs in a clean
- Fill bottle with
extra virgin olive oil
- Store in cool, dark place
for two weeks.
- Make a nice tag, listing
ingredients, and date it should be
used by
Shelf life 1 month if kept at room
temperature, and
indefinitely if stored in refrigerator.
Canola Oil Based
Oil - 1/2 cup fresh sage, chopped
Rosemary Oil - 1/2 cup fresh rosemary,
Black Pepper Oil - 1/2 cup coarsely
ground black pepper
- Place herbs in
heavy sauce pan, add one cup oil.
- Warm over low heat,
stirring occasionally for 20 minutes.
- Let cool over night
- Strain and pour into bottles
- Store in refrigerator,
shelf life 2 weeks
Ginger Oil - Heat 1 cup of oil, pour
over 1/3 cup of fresh
chopped ginger
Pepper Oil - Heat 1 cup of oil, pour over 2 dried,
crumbled red chile peppers.
Asian Style
2 lemons
1 large piece of fresh ginger, peeled
and sliced
2 green jalapenos, halved lengthwise
and seeded
2 red jalapenos, halved lengthwise and
4 teaspoons coriander seeds, toasted
4 garlic cloves, halved
8 large sprigs fresh cilantro
5 cups white wine vinegar
- Peel lemons into long
- Divide ginger, lemon,
peppers, coriander, garlic and cilantro
into 4 12 oz bottles
- Fill bottles with vinegar
- Let stand overnight
Shelf life 4 weeks
Extras for the Home
Pine cone Fire Starters (for the fireplace)
- Melt a couple of pounds of
wax in a double boiler. (try to
keep at lowest melting point)
- Add dye and scent (pine or
cinnamon). (same as used in candles
- Using tongs, dip pine cone
into wax for a few seconds
- Gently lift allowing excess
wax to drip off
- Place on wax paper, dip
remaining cones
- Starting with first dipped
cone re-dip
- Continue re-dipping until
nice layer of wax has built up
on cones
- Make a nice tag, reminding
the receivers not to store too
close to the fireplace. After all they are used to start fires.
Local hobby shops, and even Walmart
carry 2 pound blocks
of glycerin. Each box will make many of the miniature personal soaps.
out a couple of molds, a color or two, and one bottle of scent.
Take home, microwave chucks of the
glycerin, pour into
Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes
Place in freezer for an hour.
Pop out of molds
Let soaps dry out in a low humidity room
for a couple
Cost: glycerin $5.99, molds $4.00, dye
$1.19, scent $1.75
Approximate Total $13
Amount made will depend on size of molds,
I made 40 personal
soaps from one block.
Bath salts
Buy a carton of epson salts
Place salts into a container with lid
Place several drops of soap dye, and scent
Close container and shake well
When color and scent are will mixed
Pour into pretty jar, and seal
Cost: salts $2 a carton, use left over dye
from soap
Amount: will fill two tall bottles.
