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So You Want To Buy A Rabbit?
Well rabbits make great pets in the right home. If you think that it is an easy, cheap pet, and great for a small child.....think again!

They are:

    Cute, come in many colors

    Can be litterbox trained

    Fun to play with

    Great indoor pets


    Physically delicate, can be hurt by children picking them up

    High stressed and don't like sudden changes, can become ill from stress

    Capable of and will bite and scrach if frightened

    Very sensitive to changes to their feeding, cleaning, and exercise routines

    Social animals with strong needs of companionship from either humans or other animals

    Long term pets living from 5 to 10 years

    Not the first choice for younger children, kids under 7 or 8 need to be calm, and supervised

    Much like having another toddler around!

      House breaking takes time

      There will be accidents

      Things will get chewed

      The house must be make bunny-proof

      Needs to be exercised daily

      Needs lots of social contact

      Regular routines for feeding, exercise, and cleaning

So you still want a pet rabbit?

Take the time to talk to other rabbit owners, also spend a little more time reading about them. There is a lot of people on the intenet who are willing to give you the facts. The Animal section on this site, has a section just for rabbit sites.

Choosing your rabbit:

No matter where or what type you pick, be sure to take it to the vet. for a check-up.

  • Rabbits have like other animals have different personalities.
  • Dwarf breeds tend to be more excitable, energetic, and aggressive.
  • Baby rabbits are very active, but can be nippy, and will chew everything in sight.
  • Adult rabbits are more easily house broken, and calmer.
Where to find a rabbit

Every heard the old saying, "They breed like rabbits"? There is no shortage of rabbits.

  • Many rescue groups and shelters have rabbits up for adoption. Give one of the many unwanted rabbits a second chance to live.
  • The bottom line of what happens to many rabbits, especially Easter Bunnies
  • Animal shelters euthanize hundreds of each year, many less than a year old.
  • Many die agonizing deaths from neglect and abandonment.
  • Others are dumped at zoo's gates at night. Most zoos have enough rabbits for display, so many are used as food for other animals
  • And last but not least can you say dinner. Not just for humans, but snake food.
  • Of all of the above possibilities the last one is one of the most humane. Most herpers (snake owners) are animal lovers, and will do a clean kill.
Real food for thought

If you were a rabbit which would you pick?

1. Have kids pick you up by the ears, chased, yelled at. Then placed in a cage and forgotten about. A slow agonizing death.

2. Placed in a cage with a large snake. Quickly wrapped, pass out from lack of oxygen in seconds.

Think before you buy!!!!!!

To learn more "Bunnies and Easter Don't Mix"