Ole Time Popcorn Balls

1/2 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup molasses
3/4 butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
8 cups of popped popcorn

        Cook 1/2 cup molasses with corn syrup until thermometer
        reaches hard crack stage, about 270 degrees. Stir in butter
        and salt. Have the popcorn in a bowl. Slowly stir in the
        mixture with a wooden spoon. Coat all the popcorn.
        IMPORTANT! Butter your hands lightly and shape the popcorn
        into balls. Make them the size you want. Set them on wax
        paper and let them harden. Wrap the ones you don't eat with
        wax paper.)

1. Place corn syrup and molasses in sauce pan
2. Cook over medium heat until reaches 275o F.
3. Remove from heat, and stir in butter and salt
4. Pour over pop corn, mix until lightly coated
5. Grease hands with margarine or butter
6. From into balls
7. Place on waxed paper
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