The following offers are for only Animal groups that deal with rescues and/or have shelters/foster care. |
In 25 years of volunteer work, if I've learned nothing
else, I've learned one thing. There is never enough money or time.
While it is great to have a full web site, to show your
animals, let people know about different programs, it takes work to design
and maintain a site, not to mention money.
However the internet is quickly becoming a normal marketing
tool. So with this in mind, I am will to do a simple information page for
any animal group who shelters and/or rescues animals for FREE. It won't
be fancy, but will do the job. It will let people know you exist, where
you are, what you do, and how to contact your group.
It's simple, just e-mail with the information. Please remember to include a phone number. I do verify. If you have it in the budget for a full site. I can do
that. Since money is still a factor, I think I'm about the cheapest you
will find.
An example of this type of site The Ark Animal Sanctuary For Groups who want "True Website", no problem I can handle that too. Your domain name will cost $70 for two years, site set-up is $125, monthly charge for host space and maintenance $20.00. (no ftp with ftp add $10. month) The Best Deal