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web page stuffThis page is for all those great people who own a Macintosh. Here is lots of resources for you. Tips, tricks, Easter eggs, places to get help, Mac groups, buy a new Mac, and tons more. No Windows allowed

Mac Stuff
Mac Rules!
"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL: a small, elite group of people with access to the most sophisticated technology in the world, who everyone calls on to get the really tough jobs done quickly and efficiently."

Below you will find the following topics:

What's Hot Tricks, Tips, Information and Fans SoftwareWhere to buy Bata testing
The Mac Easter Eggs are Hidden Here
Other pages in this section:

Sign My GuestbookguestbookView My Guestbook
What's Hot or at least lukewarm
If you were like me, and had been putting off upgrading to the G3 or G4. There is some nice little helper out there. One reason was the cost of using adaptors from my poor expencive peripherals. There is now a cheap easy fix. GeeThree

Something Fun: MacLotto a free Lotto game just for us Mac Folks!
Tricks, Tips, Information and Fans
About My Mac Plus (good info) 

AD programming

Ambrosia Cafe


Apple Developer World


Apple History

April Fools on the Net..Humor on the net

Aquria by Jim (how to convert your old Mac into a fish tank) 

Association of Macintosh Trainers

As the Apple Turns

Code Name "Cleveland" (why we are Mac users)

Computerist Magazine

Cult of Macintosh


Dr. Macintosh


Everything Macintosh

Great Ideas For Old Macs

iMac 2 Day

IRC's MacAquarium

Jon Wiederspan's MacLand

Laptop Travel (written for PCs, however offers good overall advice for traveling out of county with your computer.) 


Low End Mac


MacCentral Online


Mac Employment Registry




Mac Home




Macintosh E-Mail Resource

Macintosh News Network

Macintosh Resource Page

Macintosh Watering Hole

MacLaunch - Macintosh Portal





Mac OS Rumors



MacSurfer's Headline News




Manual Transmission

My Mac Plus

O'Reilly Macintosh Center (sells Mac books)

Power Mac 6100 Upgrade Guide

Power, The Swiss Mac Site

Nick's Place

OzEmail's Macintosh CyberCentre

Pogue's pages

the Computer Column

The iMac

The Mac Orchard

The Register

The ULTIMATE Macintosh

The Witness of TeachText

The 6400 Zone


Robin Williams

Virtual Computer Library


1984 Mac Online

Where to Find Hardware and Software
I hate to do this, but the page was becoming too large. So this section has been moved to a page of it's own."Shopping For Your Mac" In a few days the pop down menu and site map will be updated. However while I'm in the middle of moving everythiing round, It will take just one more click.
Or hop on over to Spare Part Warehouse and shop around! According to their website they are an authorized repair center.
Bata Testing? New ways to make your computer crash

BetaSphere, Inc.
Christmas Stuff for your Mac
Holiday Lights Jingle Bell start-up Winter Icons

Mac vs. Win
Food for thought - Unless you just bought your first Mac, the odds are that you have an old one hanging around, and at least an old modem, printer, and software. So rather then letting them collect dust, how about letting a person who only dreams of owning such items have it? I came across The National Cristina Foundation, who collect and give away computer's and related items to people with a disability, who can't afford one. On the other hand if you live in Arkansas, United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arkansas is also in need. They have a couple of old LCs and several Mac+s, they could also use a few.

Looking for help? No Wonder is a handy little site for tech support. First they are FREE and cover most anything including hardware, software, even HTML. Best of all the cover all the main platforms including Mac. So when your free tech support has run out, or you are having to deal with something on someone else's computer (like your site's host computer the "UNIX") they are there for you. Average turn around time is 24 to 48 hours.
Mac and Y2K
While Mac has no problem, we may not be able to say the same for 3rd party software!

MS Office 98 update for OS9 & Y2K fix for Excel The Macnologist Y2K Resource