I might as well go
ahead and step on a few toes.
Every one has
a disability. True some are more severe than others, but no one is
perfect. A disability can be any of the following:
- sensory loss
- inability to
use a limb
- learning slower
than the culture around you
- difficulty thinking
Many people think you must
fall into one of the following categories to be "disabled" :
- blind
- deaf
- chair user
- mentally retarded
- mentally ill
To me these words are only
a medical descriptions. In my opinion a disability is any thing that keeps
a person out of the mainstream of their culture. Since I know people who
fit into all of these categories, that live whole active lifes, I don't
assume them to be disabled. I also know people who have could test in the
"normal range" in all categories, and consider them disabled.
A person could write
a whole web site just on labels. Are you:
- blind, visually
impaired, visually challenged, don't see well
- deaf, hearing
impaired, hearing challenged
- disabled, handicapped,
or challenged
- able-bodied or
- learning disabled
- slow learner
- non-verbral,
mute, speech impaired,
- over weight or
under tall
You get the idea! Enough on
terms and labels.
Every one uses adaptive
aids on a daily bases, some people just don't know it. Ever see some one
put their glasses on, or change to their reading glasses? How about someone
standing on a chair getting an item from the back of the top shelf kitchen
Environment changes
are done on a regular basis, to accommodate thinking. People driving down
a strange road looking for an address will turn down the radio. Background
music is played in many offices to break boredom.
"How to be Happy"
and "Stress" workshops are a great business to be in.
When taking a class
ever notice a good instructor will tell you the information, offer a chance
to see the information, and if applicable let you try the new skill.
The only things that
can make a difference with a person who is labeled disabled and a person
who isn't :
- what is used
to get the job done
- the culture the
person is from
- people themselves.
Changing the way people think
is the hardest. We are programmed at a young age to think one certain way,
lucky for us its not permanent. Adaptive equipment can be from easy to requiring
a little brain storming. Nothing is impossible, just not practical at this
Future pages will
- How to rig a
job site (cheaply), low-tech vs. high tech
- How to find a
job that fits. Work shouldn't be a 4 letter word
- Humor - the only
way to survive life