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This section for helping your find that unique item. Using the internet allows you to check shops that never be able to go to in person. Also many offer a wealth of information.

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Antiques on the Web

This page is becoming a very educational experience for this webmaster! Being a pack-rat, I own a lot of "stuff", however  I've have discovered much of my stuff falls under "collectibles" and "antique" .  So now when I have time, I try to find out information about some of the different items, this search takes me to many sites. Figuring I'm not the only one searching for this type of information I'm setting up this page to help everyone else who is searching. Below is a short story about how this page came to be. 
Below will find other pages that have to do with other things we do to entertain our selves. (* link pages) 

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Specialty Sites
Antique Phonograph Gallery

Antique Radio Page

Bobby Dene's Vintage Clothes (1860-1970) 

Carnival Glass Pluss

Mary Sipler (sterling) 

Stockspring Antiques - English Porcelain

The Sheelin Antique Irish Lace Museum

Mid-Century or what some people would call "Vintage Items"
The Cats Pajamas Tri-State Antique Center Ballyyhoo Vintage

An assortment of shops that carry a range of items

Antiques on the Farmington

A Shop 4 Antiques


Depot Antiques of Mena

Lady A Antiques

Mlsipler - Estate Sterling & Heisey Glass

Southhampton Antiques

Subkoff Antiques

Auction Houses

The Birth Of This Page
In mid January I found a couple of pieces of old furniture in a thrift shop. These pieces did what some people call "talked to me", I liked them, and felt that they would be very functional and fill a void in my home. So the three pieces came home with me, (with a little help of a friend and his pick-up truck). I was now the proud owner of two chairs and a cupboard! Of course I know very little about antique furniture, so it was time to log on to the net, and start researching. What style, how old, and what kind of cupboard would be almost 6 feet tall and have screen in the sides and glass in the front? Well long story short, 14 hours of search engines, and surfing and the only thing I had was more questions. There are very few "Antique" sites that will give free information, and not a one of them had anything that looked like any of my pieces. So off to the bookstores, another 6 hours of sitting on the floor, going through each book one by one. Learned a couple of terms, got an idea about one of the chairs, but now real answers. The one thing I did learn, was antique furniture covers a very wide range, no wonder dealers won't give out free information. The books cost a small fortune, and it would take a full book case to cover the major types. The next idea for figuring out what I had bought was going to the local antique shops, one day, and came up dry. I thought about going to the library, however came to the collection that could take hours and I most likely would only come up with more question. The bottom line, I called in a professional appraiser. For the same price it would have cost me to buy a couple of books, he came to my home, and was able to tell me in minutes what I owned!  I'm the proud owner of: a third quarter 1800's Renaissance Chair in excellent condition; an early twentieth century chair, in very good condition; and last but not least a Mission style fruit cabinet, in very good condition, but was altered early in the twentieth century by replacing the front screen with glass. I will receive the written details in a week or so, but the appraised value was at five times what I paid.

Now that you know the story, I will continue to look for sites that not only sell antiques and/or collectibles, but ones that offer educational information. If you know of one please send me the URL. A search for information should take minutes not hours, with your help this page will do just that.