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Animal Rescue, Shelters, Society Sites
Page 1 of 6
Can you place a price on friendship? Of course not, but many an animal does pay the price with his life, because of the lack of friendship.

I have no problem with responsible breeders, its the hobbyist, and puppy/kitten mills and irresponsible owners I have a problem with. If you are looking for a new family member or just want to find a place to help, you should be able to find it in these pages. These sites include all types of animals from cute little hamsters, to lions. Most site's names indicate the type of animal(s) they work with, if not I try to give you an idea by a simple note next to the name. Since the majority of the groups handle cats and/or dogs, if nothing is noted this may be assumed.

Below on this page you will find sites that deal at either a National or International level. Local locations may be found under their state or country.

If you know of a group or shelter I have missed, please feel free to send me it's URL.

The Rescue, Shelter And Society Section is only on small part of the "Animal" section which contains almost 30 pages and 1,500 links along with information, about animals and insects ranging from the average house cat to elephants. Even a little animal humor is sprinkled around.
This handy pop down menu will quickly take you to the different sub pages of this section. If your browser doesn't support this menu, text links are offered at the bottom of the page. (* are link pages)

Special note of THANKS to 'PC Computing magazine'. This page was mentioned in the April '99 issue under 100 best deals on the internet. A great place to find a pet.

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National/International sites
American Humane Association

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Animal Abuse Prevention Agency

Animal Cncerns Community (not a shelter, but good info.)

Farm Sanctuary

House Rabbits Society

Humane Society of the United States

National Council on Pet Population


Rescue Workers Adoption

Spay USA

The Deaf Dog Education Action Fund

The Dog Rescue Email List

The Doris Day Animal League

The Yorkshire Terrier Rescue

Page 2: Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida

Page 3: Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine

Page 4: Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota

Page 5: Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

Page 6: Non US

ANIMALS | Rings! | Rescue, Shelters & Societies | Birds | Bugs | Cats  | BathTime! | FF & Cotton | Dogs | Rusty Rules | Alphabitch | Unusual & Exotic | Fish & Marine life | Hoof Stock | Little Critters | Pet Supplies | Rabbits & Ferrets | So you think you want a rabbit? | Reptiles | The common boa | Finding your escaped snake | So you want a pet snake? | Snake Humor | You might be a herper if... | Animal Baby Match | Wildlife | Our zoo | My 2 Cents