Halloween Munchies

Tips & Tricks in the Kitchen When Cooking/Baking Sweets
Special treats for our non-human family members
Birds - Cats - Dogs
*are reciepes from different holidays that can be easly modified for Halloween
Be sure to check out the year around section: "Lets Eat"


*Black Forest Brownie Torte

Candied Apples

Double Dip Apples

Pumpkin Cheesecake

Wormy Apples


*Basic Sugar Cookie

*Chocolate Slices


*Orange Drop

*Pumpkin Cookies

*Snow Balls

*Stained Glass Cookies



*Chocolate-Covered Snowballs

Chocolate Pizza

*Glass Candy

*Peanut Brittle

Real Food

Boologna Sandwiches Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Stew

No Baking Required

Cinnamon Snack Mix

Kid Party Mix

Ole Time Popcorn Balls

Popcorn Balls

Worm Feast


Witch's Brew  

Serving Ideas

Salsa Jack - Find a nice round pumpkin, cut open top as you would for a jack-o- lantern. Clean out seeds. Draw face with black marker. Fill with your favorate Cheese/Salsa dip

Kid Section - Grown-up section - Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas - Halloween Crafts for Kids
Halloween Jokes - Halloween Party Ideas
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